Tuesday, October 07, 2008

God Speaks!

Are you like me and amazed that the Almighty God, Creator of all things seen and unseen desires to talk to us? He wants to sit with us and fellowship, true heart to heart fellowship. Imagine the permission from the One and Only, All-powerful and All-knowing God to pour out our hearts to Him. Meditate on the thought that He wants to reveal Himself (His heart) to us. He wants to speak to us and He want us to hear Him.

Yes, God speaks to me. Yes, I hear His voice, no it is not an audible voice but might as well be. Communication is so key to any relationship and even more important to our relationship with our God. If I am not talking to Him...what good is that? If I do all the talking...what good is that? Remember He gave us two ears and only one mouth for a reason; what He has to say is twice as important to what we have to say. If i don't stop long enough to listen...what good is that? He is longing for us to talk to Him about everything. He longs even more for us to be still and listen to Him with undivided attention. Let me say that one more time, He longs for us to be still and listen to Him with undivided attention.

How does God speak to me? Will, exactly the way Henry Blackaby stated it in Experiencing God; "God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Word, Prayer, the Church and circumstances to reveal Himself, His purposes and His ways."

Just today in my QT I was praying and then journaled my thoughts from my prayer time. I actually wrote what I thought God had revealed to me and my purpose and then asked, "God am I off on this or on target?" Then I went to the Word (systematic reading plan...so it is completely out of my hands). God confirmed so very clearly that I was on target. He spelled it out so clearly to me, actually He repeated it back to me. That's God speaking. God speaks to me face to face. Yes, with great confidence and tear-filled eyes I can proclaim to the world, "God speaks to me."

Jon gave me a wonderful gift a few years ago. The gift is a picture I saw and exclaimed to him when I saw it, "That is what I imagine my QT with God looks like." A few months later on my birthday it showed up as his gift to me. Jon is so very thoughtful and wonderful to me. The picture is a lovely outside scene with wisteria climbing on the rails of an old porch. In the midst of the vines is an old table with a chair pulled out. The verse reads, "Come away to a Secret Place and rest for a while." Mark 6:31 I have a secret place to where I go and sit with my God. We share with one another and we get up from that place hand in hand and hearts beating as one. My Beloved is mine and I am His. Glory!


Anonymous said...

Your husband must be one terrific guy!

Sherry D. said...


Your blogs are uplifting to me and challenge me. I am so amazed that God would speak to me, too. I just pray I will be more willing to listen closely! Thanks for sharing the Living Water out of your overflowing cup...