Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Wrong Perceptions

How many times have we had the wrong perception of the circumstances surrounding us? How often do we swallow the lie that it’s all about us? In the midst of loss, pain and tribulation, what do we believe about God? Do you believe that there is no hope and God must be against you? Do we forget all the blessings that are and have been poured out all around us? Do we forget who He is? Do we forget who He is to us?

Yes loss and tribulations are hard; it hurts when we have losses. Grieving is good and it must be done, but we shouldn’t become dead in the land of the living. We can’t grow bitter and angry. We must not sulk and have pity parties. Why the LORD gives and takes away is beyond what my mind can wrap around. This I do know God NEVER takes away for our harm or defeat. There is more to this season of pain, loss or tribulation than we may know even if we can’t see it. If the enemy can keep us in the pit of despair we’ll never experience the good God wants to bring out of our losses; He does want to bring good out of our losses. He does and He will if we cooperate. We must get our eyes off of ourselves.

Looking at two Biblical figures will show how wrong our perspectives can be. Job and Naomi both thought that God was against them. Yet in Naomi’s life God is up to something huge! He’s up to opening the way for the Gentiles to know His salvation. He’s up to providing the way for man to be reconciled to Almighty God. This is world changing and life transforming stuff. It’s all about the LORD”S Christ. She thought that God was against her when in fact He was very much for her and had a great future and hope not only for her but for all of us.

Then there was Job. He too began to believe that life as he had known it was all but over. He thought that God was against him as well when in fact God was using him as an example for faith God Himself had chosen Job to show Satan that our faith can be steadfast in the midst of tribulations. Job’s faith in His Redeemer that he knew he would see face to face is a beacon of strength for us. Job showed us that we are to love our God not because of what He gives or can give but because He is God.

What are your circumstances at this very moment? Are you feeling like God is against you? Are you feeling hopeless and without a future? I have encouragement for you today. Those feelings are all based on a lie! Don’t allow the enemy to lead you to defeat and steal your joy. The Lord is never against His children. He always works towards our best interest. He is our Father; therefore He never operates apart from His Fatherly love for us. Remember you are apart of something that is bigger than yourself. Cooperate with the flow of His hand and witness amazing things unfold.


Anonymous said...

That is sooo what I needed to hear and just reinforces what I learned in Bible study this morning. It's all about our PERCEPTION of what's going on. Jeremiah 29:11 is a great verse: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. We can't see what's in front of our face, but God sees the "big picture".

C.C. and Double T said...


You know that there have been many times when I have struggled with this. Like we talked about recently, emotions can be so deceptive and the enemy cunningly uses that to his advantage. It has been so important for me to guard my thoughts and emotions so that I do not give the enemy a foothold in my life. As the Apostle Paul said, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV)

Anonymous said...

I just finished the Patriarchs, it was just what I needed. I am getting a better perspective of all of my life being "tied in." I miss you, thanks for blogging. Love ya, Donna