You see I know what I am suppose to be doing...reading, writing, studying, exhorting and teaching and yet I haven't been doing it. Yes, I admit it I have been rebellious and disobedient. I have been called by God to "give myself entirely to them..." and been half-heartedly doing so.
In the area of blogging; I just don't get why. I really don't feel like I have much to say and certainly nothing worth anyone else reading. So I have been waiting for my Father to tell me the purpose and why? I wonder how many of you know how He responded to my whys? You guessed it, "Because I said so." Sometimes we don't know why and will never know why yet trust and obey we must.
So here I am blog...about what though? I don't know. I am trusting that He will equip me to do that which He has called me to.
I will close with words from "Burn for You" that describe how I am feeling today:
So won't You move me like You used to. I want the world to know that I burn for You. I feel revived again, I am alive again!